Hi, It's David

I'm a

focusing on Mechanical Design and Robotic Systems. Currently working on autonomous forest/ vegetation traversal as part of Robomechanics Lab. With dedication to lifelong learning and commitment to give back to the community, I strive to be resourceful and make the world a better place.

Master's: Carnegie Mellon University | Mechanical Engineering - Robotics and Control

Bachelor's: University of Wisconsin - Madison | Mechanical Engineering; Computer Science

Current Projects



Autonomous Vegetation Traversal

Patrick is a wheeled robot composed of rover platform from Rover Robotics, arm from HEBI, and a p-xrf sensor. It will use LiDAR, Camera sensor fusion, GPS, and IMU to autonomously traverse forested areas (...).


Building a quadruped from scratch

Laika is a quadruped robot like SPOT that is being built from scratch as part of Roboclub. I am part of both the hardware and the software team working on the chassis design and simulation using Gazebo (...).

Laika HOWL


Hamster Operated Walking Locomotion

HOWL is a quadruped robot inspired by Howl's Moving Castle. HOWL will use a Jansen Linkage, a single actuator walking system, powered by hamster's wheel (...).

Robotics Projects

Wisconsin Robotics


Powder Spreader

Cheap Opensource Robot Dog (CORD)


Software Projects

ComputerVision Solution for
Automated Power Plant Inspection

Learning with Moldex

Learning for Powder Bed Fusion

Unity Based Infantry Army Training Simulation

Free Build Projects

Recycled Newspaper Mache Canoe

Recycled Arizona "Can"oe

3D Print Projects

Contact Me